It gives us great pleasure to share with you that Tammy Haas is returning to the role of Executive Director for a two year term in which she will continue the expansion of CFP in the United States and facilitate the growing partnership with Rotary International. In fact, Tammy will be representing CFP in February at the Rotary Presidential Peace Conference in Istanbul.
We wish to thank Betsy Small Campbell for her leadership these last two years in strengthening CFP’s operations and messaging. Because of the unexpected violence in Israel, we were called upon to respond quickly and creatively to provide the support needed by our teens and their families. Betsy’s experience in trauma caused by war was invaluable, and her ability to develop a hybrid program for the teens from Israel/Palestine that met their needs was clearly seen by those in attendance. The fact that friendships did develop, despite the war, was powerful proof to us that giving teens from “opposing sides” the time and the space to work through their differences and reach understanding can and does happen. If you ask our teens in Cyprus and Israel/Palestine the value we offer, the value of U.S. families donating their time, they will tell you this:
“CFP taught me to think and speak up in new ways. To open my heart and by doing so, open me to a pathway for a lifetime of peace in a time of war.”
As CFP enters its 37th year, all 3,500 CFP alumni have been changed through broadened perspectives and new ways of listening, seeing, knowing and respecting. We greatly appreciate the support we have received in the past that allowed CFP to accomplish so much.