
G7 Leaders’ Communiqué

“We affirm our commitment to working together—and with other international partners—to closely coordinate and institutionalize our support for civil society peacebuilding efforts, ensuring that such efforts are part of a …

CFP’s Action Plan for Growth 2024-2026

In 2018, when CFP changed its name to Creating Friendships for Peace, the decision was made to change from a single-conflict to a multi-conflict organization. This transition required different organizational …

Welcome New Board Member

Maya Khuri PlotkinMaya is an attorney with over twenty-three years of experience representing clients in all facets of commercial real estate. Currently serving as Managing Counsel for Wayfair, Maya worked …

New CFP Board Member

Jonathan Berger recently retired from the U.S State Department after 21 years of service. His tours included Denmark, Serbia, Lithuania and Israel. Before that he worked on Capitol Hill for …

New CFP Board Member

Ken Crognale is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with more than 20 years in the not-for-profit sector. Prior to joining CFP, Ken was Director of Finance and Administration at the …