About Us

Creating Friendships for Peace, Inc. is a volunteer grassroots organization whose mission is to promote and strengthen friendships between teens from divided communities and extend those friendships to their families and friends.  The friendships are developed through home stays with American families.  Each family hosts two teens – one from each side of a conflict.  The teen pair shares a room and learns about each other, understanding their different perspectives and realizing that friendships can develop despite significant political and cultural differences.  With friendship, an atmosphere is created that allows for mutual respect and understanding – a key ingredient for peace. CFP is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in the United States.  Our volunteers were active in Northern Ireland from 1981 until 2007.  We are currently active in Cyprus since 2009 and Israel/Palestine since 2018. In our efforts to maintain neutrality, we do not accept government funding and rely solely on gifts from individuals, charitable foundations and businesses who wish to make a difference for peace in the world. Creating Friendships for Peace believes in self-determination and peaceful conflict resolution for all cultures and nations. “I know if everyone had a sister/brother/sibling on the other side that they felt close to as much as I did to my pair, we would all be so much closer to peace.”  Summer ’22 CFP Teen

Latest News

CFP’s Volunteerism: Alumni Coordinator Rebecca A. Stirn

Creating Friendships for Peace operates efficiently and impactfully because of the professionalism of our leadership. Becky Stirn is a wonderful example of how you can live a full life, working full time, raising a family and still find opportunities for volunteer service. In addition to her long-term commitment to conservation, Becky has served on the Board of Governors of Johns Hopkins Wilmer Eye Clinic for 44 years. Last June, she was honored with Wilmer’s Aida de Acosta Root Breckinridge Award, which recognizes women leaders who devote significant time and resources to the institute. “I never knew life without volunteering, regardless …

Thank You for a Successful 2024!

Thanks to your generosity and commitment, Creating Friendships for Peace ended 2024 in its strongest financial position to date! Income was better distributed throughout the year, lessening the pressure on fourth-quarter gifts. Total assets are now at $500,000, which moves us close to our goal of maintaining three years of operating expenses. We express our gratitude once more to Anne Germanacos, who provided stock gifts in 2015, 2017, and 2018 valued at a total of $60,000 that comprise our investments—surely these are gifts that keep on giving. We are also grateful to Raymond James Pinnacle Group for their contribution to …

We Remember Sotia Adamidou

We are deeply saddened to report that Sotia Adamidou, one of CFP’s early and long-serving Cypriot Coordinators and one CFP’s cherished members, passed away on January 14, 2025, in Cyprus after a long illness.  Sotia joined our Coordinator team in 2010, serving as Greek-speaking Cypriot Lead Coordinator in 2016 and 2017. In 2016, she and Turkish-speaking Cypriot Lead Coordinator Simge Kahvecioglu were awarded a Stelios Foundation grant for building Cypriot bicommunal cooperation through CFP.Sotia will be remembered as a gracious, creative and hardworking peacebuilder who devoted her post-teaching years to bringing peace to her island of Cyprus.“Sotia helped shape CFP …

Creating Friendships for Peace (CFP) mourns the loss and celebrates the life of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter

CFP was blessed and privileged to witness and enjoy the wisdom, moral power and personal warmth of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter during our early years in Cyprus from 2009 – 2011.  He made indelible impressions on two CFP teen pairs, when he, UN Envoy Lahkdar Brahimi, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, representing The Elders, visited Cyprus to create a documentary film on Cypriot reconciliation. President Carter’s life is a true inspiration for those of us in CFP.  Our work in Israel and Palestine has benefited from his skillful and personal negotiation of the Camp David Accords, providing peace between Egypt and …

Please welcome CFP’s incoming Executive Director Tammy Haas as CFP launches its 37th year!

It gives us great pleasure to share with you that Tammy Haas is returning to the role of Executive Director for a two year term in which she will continue the expansion of CFP in the United States and facilitate the growing partnership with Rotary International. In fact, Tammy will be representing CFP in February at the Rotary Presidential Peace Conference in Istanbul.We wish to thank Betsy Small Campbell for her leadership these last two years in strengthening CFP’s operations and messaging. Because of the unexpected violence in Israel, we were called upon to respond quickly and creatively to provide …

Celebrating the Graduation of 87 Cypriots

CFP held its Cypriot program graduation ceremony on October 12th at Near East University with 87 graduates and their families. The ceremony featured student performances, videos and commentary from the campers and those who experienced the U.S. residency program with American families. Special guest British Deputy High Commissioner to Cyprus Ben Rawlings offered remarks.  The event was covered in depth by Voice Cyprus News in the following articles: Graduation Ceremony: https://voicecyprusnews.com/in-a-divided-country-cyprus-friendship-programme-unites-people/Interviews with the attendees: https://voicecyprusnews.com/life-changing-opportunity-cfp-attendees-share-their-experiences/

Appreciating Our Volunteers

Thank you to Suzan Arabacioglu who answered our ad for a graphic designer and donated her time and talent to update some of CFP’s marketing materials. Her help has been greatly appreciated and she was a joy to work with. On October 19th in SW Washington State, CFP held its first Host Family and Volunteer Appreciation event at Prairie Bar and Grill.  The event was hosted by Area Coordinator Jessica Ambrose, Co-Coordinator Brooke Anderson and incoming Executive Director Tammy Haas. Our goal was simple — it was to thank our host families,  countless volunteers and donors and show our appreciation. Without …