Creating Friendships for Peace represents a grassroots volunteer people-to-people movement that began officially in 1981 as the Children’s Committee Ten, Inc. Originally, intended to provide respite vacations for children from Northern Ireland during the “Troubles,” it has developed into a peacebuilding organization of committed professionals with an established curriculum and program in the United States and in the divided communities in which we operate.
While details have changed since 1981, the CFP program has stayed true to its roots as it has evolved into a monthlong U.S. Residency program managed by the U.S. Team in combination with a robust teen program in the divided communities managed by those communities themselves. CFP begins with friendship to create an experience of tolerance, leadership development and discovery of self and community responsibility. The friendships have proven to be long-lasting in Northern Ireland and Cyprus and to extend from teens to their families.
Working at the grass roots level through one-on-one relationships, CFP provides a neutral and safe environment that allows for mutual respect and understanding – key ingredients for peace.
Children’s Committee Ten, Inc. (CC10) – (1981 – 1987)
Children’s Friendship Project for Northern Ireland (CFPNI) – (1987 – 2007)
Cyprus Friendship Program (CFP) (2008 – 2018)
Creating Friendship for Peace, Inc. (CFP) – (2018 – present)