Who can apply?


Cypriot teens with at least one Cypriot parent are eligible to apply if they will be 15 years of age by July 1st up to 18 years of age, providing they will have at least one more academic year in Cyprus following the summer they are applying for. The first step is completion of an application form in conjunction with their parents. All applications are reviewed by a bi-communal team of volunteer Cypriot Coordinators early in the year, and all applicants are invited for interviews. Commitment to bi-communal activity, leadership potential, and feasibility of participation are assessed during the interview process. Subsequent to the interviews, a select number of teens are offered slots in the program. Teens accepted into the program participate in a series of group meetings in spring. The meetings include many opportunities to develop cross-cultural understanding.

Applying is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Step 1 – Apply Online

The online application is separated into four parts. Before beginning the application, the teen and their parents should download and/or print and read the TEEN FAMILY HANDBOOK  and the Part IV document to learn about the Cyprus Friendship Programme in more detail.

THIS APPLICATION CANNOT BE COMPLETED ON A PHONE. In order to keep your time online to a minimum, you should have the following information available before completing this application:

A photo file of your face to upload (max. file size = 500KB)

Your passport information, if you are applying for the U.S. program

Thoughtful answers to the following essay questions saved in a word-processing program so you can copy and paste into the application:

Year 1:

a. Why do you want to participate in the Cyprus Friendship Programme?
b. CFP is a two-year programme. How do you plan to contribute to the programme in the year following the completion of the camp?
c. What does peace building mean to you and what qualities do you believe being a leader entails?
d. What is the greatest non-academic challenge you have faced so far? How did you manage this challenge?
e. What clubs, activities or hobbies have you been involved in during the last three years? Describe your role(s) in these.
f. It is important for youth to take actions towards peace with their counterparts in Cyprus. Why do you believe this is important and why do you believe it’s up to the youth?

Year 2:

a. What do you think you have gained from participating in the CFP Year 1 Camp experience? How did this experience change you as a person?
b. Since your participation in CFP, what actions or initiatives have you taken that support bi-communal work and peace building in Cyprus?
c. American families are hosting Cypriot teens, making a commitment to peace in Cyprus. Why do you think they do this? d. The Cyprus Friendship Program is a peace building and leadership training program. Being selected will make you an ambassador for the program, both in Cyprus and in the United States. What do you think is your responsibility in being an effective ambassador in the U.S.? In Cyprus? How will you use the friendships and skills you learn to further peace in Cyprus? Please use concrete examples.
e. What is the greatest non-academic challenge you have faced so far? How did you manage this challenge?
f. What clubs, activities or hobbies have you been involved in during the last three years? Describe your role(s) in these.

This part requires payment of the application fee of $20 with a credit card. It also allows the parents to join the Cyprus Friendship Programme Parents & Friends Association.

This part is to be completed in English by a teacher who knows the teen well. The teen should ask the teacher to make a recommendation and give the teacher the link to PART 3. The teacher’s recommendation will be submitted directly to the Coordinators, so the teen must follow up with the teacher to be sure PART 3 has been completed.

This part asks the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the teens to sign their agreement to all the rules/conditions of participation of the program.  Parent or Parents/Guardian(s) are to deliver signed copies of this document to any of the CFP Coordinators by the application deadline.

Step 2 – Compile Additional Information

Application Parts 1 and 2 have already been emailed to the Cypriot Teen Coordinators. Some applicants may wish to submit additional information on their activities and honors, which they can bring with them on Interviews Day.

Step 3 – Attend Interviews Day

Plan to spend the day in the Buffer Zone.

The Cyprus Friendship Programme is a 2 year program. Only teens who have already participated in CFP’s first year program of Cypriot Peace Camp may apply for the second year Residency Program.