Who can apply?
Israeli and Palestinian teens, aged 15 to 18 years old, who have been accepted into one of JPB’s summer institutes are eligible to apply for the CFP home stay. Those interested should complete a short information form and an acceptance form with their parents. All forms are reviewed by CFP and JPB staff and a select number of teens are offered slots in the CFP program. Teens accepted into the CFP program participate in a series of group meetings in spring. The meetings include opportunities to develop cross-cultural understanding and result in the teens selecting their “pair” from the other community.
Read the Teen Family Handbook
The Teen Family Handbook was written to help teens and their families understand the purpose and rules of the CFP home stay program. Most questions are answered here. Every teen and their family should read this handbook before applying.
Those selected by JPB to participate in the CFP home stay program need to provide additional information in order to facilitate the matching process between teen pair and host family. Part 1 of the application provides this information. Part 2 of the application is an acceptance by the teen and their parent of CFP’s rules and procedures. Once completed and signed, a copy of Part 2 should be emailed to CFPJerusalem@friendships4peace.org by April 15.