David Rodich
For nearly fifty years, David Rodich has been a committed advocate for the interests of working families both in the United States and world-wide. His experience includes serving as the national director for a public employee organization with Service Employees International Union (SEIU), followed by 20 years as the executive director of SEIU Local 500 in Maryland and Washington, DC. During his tenure, the union nearly tripled in size of the union and built a culture of collaborative problem solving. David’s advocacy has included workers in public education including teachers and other school workers, university professors, childcare workers, and promoting collaborations in economic development.
On the international front, David has been a consultant to the Solidarity Center, AFL CIO, working with the emerging independent trade unions in the post-Soviet countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Asia, and the Middle East, by providing skills training and strategic planning support.
He and his wife Lauri are no strangers to CFP, having served twice as host parents with participants from both Cyprus and the Middle East programs. David succeeds Tamera Drozd, who has joined another peace organization working in Israel and Palestine.