Steven Aiello is the founder and director of Debate for Peace and has been involved in Jewish-Arab Model UN work in Israel since 2011. He has run over 30 conferences and 15 delegations abroad for thousands of students. Steven is Jewish, Israeli and Italian-American. He studied economics (BA, NYU), diplomacy and conflict resolution (MA, IDC), and Islamic Studies (MA, Tel Aviv University). Steven is an Executive Board member for the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY, and Project Officer and Dialogue Expert at Asfar. He is a senior journalist for and the Model UN Director at the Young Ambassadors School and Academy for Young Diplomats in Petah Tiqva. Steven serves on the NYU alumni board in Israel as a member-at-large. He is a native English speaker, fluent in Hebrew, and acknowledges that he can make a fool of himself proficiently in Arabic.